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女伯爵 (Diablo II)

2024-07-16 13:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

出自【暗黑百科】DiabloWiki_凯恩之角 跳转到: 导航, 搜索 目录 1 The Countess 2 Tactics 3 Additional Information 4 Monster Stats 5 Trivia The Countess

怪物名称:女伯爵 The Countess 特殊属性: Fire Enchanted(火焰强化) 属性效果: 最小火伤害: +66% 伤害 最大火伤害: +100% 伤害 攻击次数: x2 防火: 75% 如果死亡, 则造成最大生命点数 75%-100% 的伤害, 范围 4 码. 在噩梦和地狱, 随从获得 +33-50% 火伤害. 来自:遗忘之塔 Forgotten Tower

The Countess is a former woman who bathed in the blood of virgins, and was buried alive in her tower's cellars for her crimes. Her fortune was divided among the clergy, though some still remains in the tower, alongside the Countess, arisen from the grave. The Moldy Tome in the Stony Field tells you the story of the countess, and you can choose to explore it in the Forgotten Tower Quest.


On the bottom floor you will find The Countess, alongside an army of corrupted rogues. She will start by casting Fire Wall on the two entrances to her room, then will come and attack you. The Countess is fire enchanted, so be careful when landing the final blow. Once she is dead, a nearby chest full of treasure will open. In Hell difficulty on battle.net she will drop the Key of Terror, a requirement to access the Pandemonium Event. She is also the best source of runes in the game.

Additional Information

Special Abilities

Casts Fire Wall at the entrances to her chamber.


Normal: 6 Nightmare: 7 Hell: 8 Monster Stats The Countess 游戏难度 生命 抗性 伤害效果 出现位置 (等级) 固有属性 最高等级掉落符文 冰 火 电 魔 物 毒 Dark Stalker 普通 96 - 161 0 75 0 0 0 0 100% Forgotten Tower (11) Fire Enchanted 拉尔(8) 噩梦 1,497 - 2,496 0 0 0 0 0 0 100% Forgotten Tower (45) 科(18) 地狱 7,004 - 11,674 130 108 33 20 20 20 100% Forgotten Tower (82) 罗(28) Trivia

The Countess was voiced by Lani Minella, who also provided the voice for Adria the Witch and Wirt the Peglegged Boy in Diablo I, and for Blood Raven, Andariel, Malah and the Ancients in Diablo II. The story of the countess is probably based on the story of Elizabeth Bathory, a sixteenth century Countess who murdered hundreds of young girls.

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